Welcome to Old Bath House SPA
A visit to the Stara Łaźnia SPA (Old Bath House SPA) provides full relaxation and escape from everyday duties. To make it as pleasant as possible and answer the questions that might arise, we have created a key that will help you find yourself in the world od SPA.
What time should I come for the treatment?
The treatment begins at the agreed time. We recommend coming 10-15 minutes earlier to prepare for the treatment in peace.
Can I wash before the procedure?
Showering before the treatment improves the comfort during treatments and makes the active ingredients of cosmetics more efficient. If you plan to shower before the surgery, please tell us about it and we will organize it and provide maximum comfort – so that the treatments do not overlap.
What should I wear at the Stara Łaźnia SPA?
During the treatments, we use oils, olives and other products that relax your mind and make your body enjoy the richness of nutrients. To feel comfortable after the treatment, we recommend choosing a loose outfit made of natural fabrics.
What should I take with me?
When arranging the spa treatment, you do not have to take anything except for good mood. You will receive from us a set of disposable underwear, flip-flops and a towel.
Czy mogę powiedzieć przed masażem/zabiegiem o swoich uwagach?
Masaż jest niezwykle indywidualną sprawą. By w pełni cieszyć się tym przeżyciem uprzedź naszych terapeutów spa przed zabiegiem o uwagach lub kwestiach, które są dla Ciebie ważne. Sprawi to, że w będziemy mogli sprawić, by masaż był dla Ciebie doświadczeniem idealnie przyjemnym.
Can I present my remarks before the massage / treatment begins?
Massage is an extremely individual matter. To fully enjoy this experience, please provide our spa therapists with remarks or matters that are important to you. This will allow us to make the massage a perfectly pleasant experience.
Do I have to fill in the customer form?
The customers of Stara Łaźnia SPA are asked to fill in the customer form, which allows us to eliminate possible counterindications against planned treatments. We ensure the protection of your data, which is why it is used only for our purposes and only for the planned treatments. You have the right to delete or modify your data at any time.